A Novice’s Journey to A 6K Feet Mountain

At about 6, 243 ft above sea level, conquering Mount Cuernos de Negros (Talinis Peak) was no easy feat for a neophyte mountaineer.  But what push me to pursue such a venture? The reasons were forgotten…what remains is a sweet triumph of being able to endure an almost 18 hours walk in the rain, the one day extension at the mountains and more hardships that (maybe) every mountaineer has to experience.

Mt Talinis

It was supposed 2 be just a 2 days and 1 night adventure. But in the mountains, time is always an enemy. On the way down at 4 hours away from the end of the trail, the sun was preparing to set, forcing us on a night trek. It was our first major climb and most were not prepared of the dangers of night trekking so when the guide suggest we set up camp, we agreed. The issues and concerns came after.

How do we survive another night? The foods were running out. What would we ate for dinner and breakfast the next day? Our families expects us to be home on a Sunday night, wouldn’t they panic if we’re not home as scheduled? More and more issues came…and then resolved. 

From that setback, we’ve learned how important it is to always have an extra. In the mountains, often assumed that the worst will happen. It is not being pessimistic. It is just a way to survive.

At the unexpected extension camp. Oh yeah, we were still in high spirits despite the setback. Be a PESSIMIST…but don’t let it control everything…a little OPTIMISM is always healthy!

This climb was an initiation to the mountaineering world. It was a first major climb so I didn’t know what to expect.  Didn’t want to be caught of guard so here are things I did to prepare myself. It might be worth a read if you are interested to be part of this world. 🙂

  1. READ what you are going into. There’s a whole world of information in WWW. You can’t just jumped into the water without knowing how deep it is right? Well, maybe you can if you know how to swim. But even so, knowing how to swim wouldn’t save you from the sharks that lurk in the water. Haha!


  1. PREPARE. If you read things about mountaineering, there are suggestion on what to do to prepare. Follow it. Be physically and mentally prepared. Schedule jogging sessions. Enroll in the gym. Do the yoga. Do everything that will make your body fit for the strenuous activity.exercise

  2. ANTICIPATE. Get excited. Get into the mood. Being excited at something radiates a good aura in you. The more you think that doing a climb is FUN, it will really be FUN. Think of the things you will see when you reached the top. Think of the views of the trail. Think of how nice it is to be with friends.

And aside from the 3 above…no matter what happens on the trail, accept it as part of the adventure. Also, don’t bring TOO MUCH stuffs. Bring only the once that you will need. No more lipsticks for me…and powder…and mirror. Haha! Even seemingly weightless things may weigh more than you think when you are going uphill.

So now…let me tell you the story with the collages I have of the climb…

Start of the climb
Start of the climb
Up...up and away!
Up…up and away!
Cramp stop. One of our friend got cramps.
Cramp stop. One of our friend got cramps.
The victim!
The victim!
View stop...and cramp stop laters.
View stop…and cramp stop laters.
Water source. Wish I didn't bring too much water.
Water source. Wish I didn’t bring too much water.
Lunch stop @ Lake Yagumyum.
Lunch stop @ Lake Yagumyum.
On the way to the camp site at Lake Nailig..
On the way to the camp site at Lake Nailig..
Porn stop?! See the de-formed tree...
Porn stop?! See the de-formed tree…
Another stop!
Another stop!
Just before the 80 degree descent...
Just before the 80 degree descent…
The 80 degree trail...SCARY!
The 80 degree trail…SCARY!
Setting up our first night camp!
Setting up our first night camp!
The yummy dinner! WOW!
The yummy dinner! WOW!
Climbmates and tentmates!
Climbmates and tentmates!
Breaking up camp to prepare for the summit.
Breaking up camp to prepare for the summit.
Bye bye Lake Nailig. We didn't have the chance to have our group picture taken at the summit because it was too small.
Bye bye Lake Nailig. We didn’t have the chance to have our group picture taken at the summit because it was too small.
River before the leech infested trail...
River before the leech infested trail…
The sulfuric river! Smelled AWFUL.
The sulfuric river! Smelled AWFUL.
The ranch. Our extended campsite.
The ranch. Our extended campsite.
The reward for extending one night...haha! A dip at the  twin falls. Not bad!
The reward for extending one night…haha! A dip at the twin falls. Not bad!
The day after! Getting ready for the real "leech" attack.
The day after! Getting ready for the real “leech” attack.
Taking a bath on the trail down...
Taking a bath on the trail down…

Please stay with me on my adventures towards conquering as many mountains as I can. Let me know your thoughts on the comments below. 🙂

Talinis Series: PrologueFirst 4 Hours, Next 4 Hours, The Summit, The Leech Saga

Author: Kresia Julio

Kring is a woman of style whose fashion would make you doubt the validity of her stories in conquering mountains. A software engineer by profession, financial literacy advocate, fitness buff, DIY fan, AirBNB host (stopped in March 2020 due to leave and cleave) and a big promoter of self-turn-God confidence with a big heart to those in need. Her hobby includes blogging, scrap/photo booking, traveling, trekking, volunteering, cooking (new in quarantine) & podcasting (new in quarantine). She is easily bored thus the need to have more activities. This is where board gaming and jewelry making comes in. She is married to an introvert who understands and supports her OVERLY extrovert personality.

6 thoughts on “A Novice’s Journey to A 6K Feet Mountain”

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